The Hardest Aspect Of Making Money Online

By Russ Howe

Before you attempt to make money online take a moment to look at the statistics. Over 90% of people who try to become their own boss via the internet fail to see any results. Today we'll run through why this happens.

While there are many people out there who believe every online business is a scam or pyramid scheme, you also have a massive group of people who are just as misguided. This group believe they can make a lot of money by simply getting lucky, being in the right place at the right time with a ground floor opportunity. Both of these groups of individuals are common in the MLM and affiliate marketing industry, but neither gets results.

While it's important to learn from the mistakes made by the masses, it is equally as important to grow your knowledge base by learning from the methods used by those who are successful. You'll be surprised to see that they're usually just normal people like you and they know how to stay on the right side of the thin line between failure and success. A good example like this is an affiliate program like Empower Network or Avon, where you'd meet people either complaining at lack of results or raving about great success. []

If you put two people from a similar background into an online business you would probably find that one person would enjoy more success than the other. Quite simply it does not matter where you come from or how much money you have. It's about where you're going and how hard you are prepared to work in order to get there. Three things will determine this.

* Creating a business plan.

* Your attitude can be your best friend or your worst enemy.

* Skill is not as important as work ethic.

While there can never be any guarantees in the business world, applying today's three proven steps is a sure fire way to get your chosen online business or affiliate program moving in the right direction. Most people who fail do so because they simply don't put in the effort for themselves.

Before you begin with any business you need a plan. You have probably heard the expression 'If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.' It is especially true in this industry, so be sure to take some time to figure out what your expectations and targets are.

The second principle is based upon your attitude. Anybody can join an affiliate program but not everyone is cut out to become their own boss. Most businesses fail in the high street for this reason. There will be testing times ahead and if you are naturally a 'glass half empty' sort of person then you will find things hard.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is your work ethic. In order to change your financial life you need to set out a plan and then work at it whenever you can. Otherwise your plan will not materialize. The difference between a dream and reality is work ethic. You should be actively looking to grow your business whenever and wherever you can.

These are the three most important ingredients when you are trying to make money online. There is no secret formula or miracle system, despite what many people are led to believe, and the basic rules to success remain the same as they would be if you were trying to become your own boss offline.

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